US Wellness News Alert
Ground Beef Sale!
Summer Reading Recommendations 

June 3, 2012
Monticello, Missouri

Dear John,    

Summer Grilling


We've had a busy week here at US Wellness catching up after Memorial Day weekend.  We appreciate your patience as we have restocked many of our most popular products this week - tallow pails, marrow bones, and pet burger are all back in stock now, among many others.   


As we head into June this weekend, we continue to be grateful for a gorgeous early spring here in Northeast Missouri, and are looking forward to a prosperous summer!  Our cattle are enjoying this weather also, catch a glimpse of our local scenery in the farm photos below.   

To kick off summer grilling, our best-selling 75% Lean Ground Beef is on sale this week.  Be sure to take advantage of the sale price, as it doesn't go on sale very often!  If you are looking for new grilling ideas, we highly recommend Stan Fishman's book: Tender Grassfed Barbecue.  He has personally tested and approved all cooking times and temperatures, using our grass-fed beef in many of the recipes.  Try one of his unique recipes, like the Top Sirloin Steak with Korean Flavors, in our recipe corner below.  


As many of you know, we have eagerly been awaiting the release of It Starts With Food, the first book release by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig of Whole9.  So we were pleasantly surprised when a preview copy showed up in our office this week!  This is one of those books that is going to change people's lives and we highly recommend grabbing a copy before they are sold out!  Check out the preview on their blog for a sneak peak of the book today.  


For more great summer reads, check out our Pinterest board - we've got links to some of our favorite cookbooks, healthy reading, tons of recipes, and a whole board dedicated to bacon!  


Don't forget about Dad!  Father's Day is right around the corner, and this happens to be perfect timing for a fresh chilled beef shipment.  To learn more about this premium product, check out the Fresh Chilled FAQ Blog.  Our next deadline for fresh beef orders is this Friday, June 8.  All orders will ship Wednesday, June 13, just in time for Father's Day.  Maybe Dad will grill up some fresh steaks for the family! 


Summer Regards, 

John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Jennifer, Amanda and Laura on behalf of the farm families of U.S. Wellness Meats  

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
Direct Line:
(573) 767-9040
Fax Number: (573) 767-5475

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In This Issue

Inventory Updatesinventory 

The following items restocked: Petite Top Sirloin  



Ask The Doctor 

Question and Answer Column



Hello Dr. Kim, 

I'm a dialysis patient.  Are there any foods that I should avoid?  Is there a special diet for people like me?  I have tried to increase my protein intake and limit carbs, however I just don't have much of an appetite sometimes.  I have been reading more about the Weston Price group and trying to get more healthy fats in my diet also.  Any advice you can share would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Chris Smith 




Dear Chris,

I love the questions that bring complicated patients into the online world and possibly assist others with the same concerns. I have a few questions for you as well - How often do you dialyze? I assume you are a three times a week, either a m/w/f, or a t/th/sat dialyzer. I have been studying your case and the first thing that came to my mind was, this guy could possibly eat everything he wants because you are already on dialysis. But dialysis patients are a special case. Not only do you get cleaned from the heavy imbalances in your micro and macronutrients but dialysis itself is a very draining process.

I have been reading some articles and have come across a few that say that you should be taking a higher increase in protein because of your dialysis. Have you been losing weight? Are you on a phosphorous binder? I also have been pushing towards a higher good protein diet. If you can stay away from protein supplementation I would, unless your protein intake becomes so low you can't help but be on one. You are at the right place for the best protein sources here at US Wellness. Nothing beats the grass fed meat here. I would start and push for about 1.2 grams/lb and see how you feel.

If you are currently feeling weak this is probably secondary to your dialysis and also your body getting weak from loss of weight/muscle. This is when you need to feed your body. Feed it with good proteins. There is one mineral you will need to watch your intake and that is potassium and this is due to its effects on the heart. This part of your diet you would need to talk to your nephrologist since I do not know your baseline numbers and how fast your potassium climbs.  Also, in reference to your weakness, you may add some B12 injections. This has shown to help with energy and the overall well being while on dialysis. There has also been studies showing the low levels of B12 while on dialysis.

You asked about a good source of fat. The fat that you get from the meats at US Wellness will do you great. However, good fat supplementation from Alpha Omega from Infinity Fitness will have all the right fats for you including olive oil, fish oil, and my favorite, avocado oil. They also carry two great amino acid products in MR and MS which you should add on after you make these initial changes to your diet.

Good Luck,

-- Michael Kim, D.O.



This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions on any topic to for the question and answer series. Our question and answer series now also features Dr. Serrano's business partner, Dr. Mike Kim, MD.  He is consistently eating and living a healthy lifestyle because of his family connection with DM2, HTN, Hyperlipidemia. He is currently finishing his training in Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Nutrition at the University of Colorado, Denver under the tutelage of Dr. Serrano, a world renowned nutrition specialist.

Dr. Kim is always seeking the latest and newest ways to help people with weight loss, athletic performance and healthy eating. He has a deep connection with MMA fighters, NFL athletes, and other professional athletes. He is at the forefront of breaking science with Muscle Pharm Sports Science and Research Center. His goal is to make living healthier for everyone, one meal at a time.

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healthRecent Health News

One Cause of Fatty Deposits in the Hearts of Diabetes Patients Settled

The impaired substrate metabolism of diabetes patients is often expressed in an increase in fatty deposits in the cells of the heart muscle. Until now, the exact cause of this was unknown. Now, researchers at the MedUni Vienna in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of MedUni Vienna in cooperation with the MR Centre of Excellence Vienna have shown that high blood sugar in combination with high levels of insulin - not an influx of fats - results in such deposits within a few hours. This could form the basis for even more heart-friendly treatments of diabetes patients, especially in the early stages of the disease.

In the study, published in the respected American journal Diabetes, 18 healthy women and men were given a large amount of grape sugar intravenously. "Within as few as six hours, the glucose already caused clearly visible fatty deposits in the heart. The injection of grape sugar, in combination with the release of insulin caused by the sugar, resulted in an overexertion of the heart's metabolism", said the study's director, Michael Krebs of the University Department of Internal Medicine III. This proves that fatty deposits can occur without the direct influx of fats.

This was made visible for the first time using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. "This method makes it possible to observe the beating heart, not only as it works, but non-invasively and without ionizing radiation as it metabolizes energy", explained Martin Krssak (University Department of Internal Medicine III).

In Austria alone, around 500,000 people are affected by diabetes. "The first diagnosis usually occurs by accident and on average five years too late", said Krebs. Most patients with diabetes die of heart diseases. "Our data show that the foundation for damage can be laid early on, especially in patients with high blood sugar and hyperinsulinemia - an elevated insulin level - during prediabetes and early diabetes." Building on these new findings in relation to elevated blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and hyperinsulinemia, MedUni Vienna is conducting studies that should help to make the treatment of diabetes patients even more heart-friendly.

Medical University of Vienna. "One cause of fatty deposits in the hearts of diabetes patients settled." ScienceDaily, 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 23 May 2012. 
recipeFeatured Recipe

Top Sirloin Steak with Korean Flavors

Top Sirloin Korean

The Korean genius for seasoning barbecued beef is usually applied to small, quickly cooked slices of meat. I have found that these seasonings work very well with a nice, thick steak, especially on the barbecue. I have substituted naturally fermented fish sauce for soy sauce and organic Grade B maple syrup for other sweeteners.  The wood flavors from the barbecue and this marinade work beautifully together, giving nice, slightly exotic flavor to the tender meat. 

For the Marinade: 

  • 1 (1 inch) piece organic ginger, crushed and finely chopped  
  • 2 large cloves organic garlic, finely chopped 
  • 2 organic green onions, finely chopped 
  • 1 tablespoon Thai fish sauce 
  • 1 tablespoon organic Grade B maple syrup 
  • 2 tablespoons unrefined organic toasted sesame oil 
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground organic black pepper


  1. At least 1 hour before you plan to cook the steak, make the marinade by combining all ingredients and stirring well. 
  2. Place the steak in a glass bowl, and coat all surfaces of the meat with the marinade, pressing the chopped vegetables into the meat with the back of a spoon. Let rest at room temperature for 1 hour. At this point, you can cook the meat or refrigerate it overnight. 
  3. If you refrigerated the meat, take it out of the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking, so it can come to room temperature. 
  4. Build a charcoal fire on one side of the cooker only. Bring your cooker to medium high heat, with all vents fully open. When the cooker is ready, scrape the marinade off the meat with a spoon, and place the steak in front of, but not over, the heat source. Cover, and cook for 5 to 8 minutes on each side, depending on how you like your steak. 
  5. Serve and enjoy the exotic Korean flavors.  



This recipe and photo are compliments of author Stan Fishman.  Stan is a grass-fed expert, and has penned two popular cookbooks: Tender Grassfed Meat and Tender Grassfed Barbecue.  For more helpful grassfed cooking tips visit his blog or Facebook page.

 If you are a blogger or food artist and want to see your recipes published, simply email them to:
Visit our blog for many more recipes and photos!

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Customer Feedback

Steak Kabobs Okay, you shipped it yesterday, and we got it today... that's awesome, since we live in Washington state!

The meat was all still frozen SOLID... I'm impressed. It also all looks very, very high quality. I'm really excited to try it.

I should mention that, up until a couple of weeks ago, I have been a vegan for over 6 years. Since I had not gained the health benefits I had hoped for, I am now embarking on Paleo/Primal. Yes, this is a huge change for me (more for my husband! he's not nearly as excited about your yummy looking stuff), but hopefully, this will help our health.

Thank you, again, for the incredibly fast shipping and great looking stuff!

René F.

photosUS Wellness Cattle - May Grazing
Sunset Grazing
Cattle enjoying lush green grass at sunset in Northeast Missouri.
May Grazing

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About U.S. Wellness Meats

U.S. Wellness Meats was founded on
US Wellness Cattle
September 1st, 2000. Pasture management and meat science research originated in 1997.

The company office is located in Monticello, Missouri in Lewis County which joins the Mississippi River 140 miles North of St. Louis.

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Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted. Please secure written permission of the author before copying or using this material. Address:


John Wood
U.S. Wellness Meats

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051 

On Sale!

The following delicious sale items will expire at 10 PM CST Saturday June 9, 2012.  


75% Lean Ground Beef

- 25 (1 lb) packages


Beef Back Ribs

- 2-3 slabs


Stew Beef

- 1 lb


Free Range Chicken Drumsticks

- 5 lbs


Volume Discount


Franks on Grill

 Sugar-Free Beef Franks

- 1 lb


Pork Italian Sausage

- 1.25 lbs


Cappuccino Cashew Cream Ice Cream

- 1 pint 


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