March 30, 2016    Canton, MO
US Wellness Meats NewsAlert - In This Issue  

Scott Mendelson  Earn a Firm Backside and A Sharp Core Without Leaving Home
Recipe Corner - Homemade Breakfast Sausage from Wellness Mama 
Dear John,   
Our weather for March has included snowy days below freezing, and a couple days that reached 80 degrees.  As April 1st approaches, our Midwest pastures will soon be converting solar energy into high quality grass-fed meats with April showers on the horizon. 
There is no April fooling on the sale items list this week.  True steak lovers will enjoy the hearty flavor of a gourmet, grass-fed Ribeye steak. The fat marbling throughout makes this cut the champ of grilling steaks!  And despite its small size our Top Sirloin Butt Steak is an office favorite for its taste and tenderness.  Add them to your cart today and find out for yourself!

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge, but this week Scott Mendelson shares some can't miss exercises easily done at home that promise to firm up the troublesome buttocks and midsection.    

This week's Recipe Corner features a simple breakfast staple, Homemade Breakfast Sausage from Wellness Mama.  No time to make your own?  We sell our own Pork Breakfast Sausage, which was restocked this week so you're in luck.   
Also restocked in the pork department are Pork Tenderloin and Fresh Cut Pork Chops. Rounding out our restocks are Bison Chorizo and Liver along with Beef Sliders and Beef Back Rib Bundles, as well as a few other good Omega-3 options Alaskan Sablefish, Atlantic Mackerel, and Salmon Oil Softgels.   
Regenerating Lives One at a Time - 2016 Grassfed Exchange Tour & Conference April 27-29 in Perry, GA.  Year 7 for the Grass-fed Exchange is loaded with 16 great speakers and entertained by Teddy Gentry's Rockit City Band.  Register before March 31st and save.
Contest & Giveaway News:
  • The winners have been selected for the Grow, Gather & Graze Giveaway.  We are just waiting for their response so we can announce their names.
  • Our April Featured Chef will be revealed on the website on Friday, along with a related giveaway prize pack.
Items of Note:

Customers who have been experiencing checkout problems with their Safari browser could get some relief.  There is a new update from Safari it is IOS 9.3 which among other things updates their PCI compliance.  You can check whether you need this update from your apple phone or tablet by going to your Settings > General > Software Update.  This will tell you which version you have and if you can update now or not

Our brand new -10 degree frozen storage warehouse is fully operational and we have commercial freezer and chilled storage pallets spaces for lease.  We are conveniently located in Northeast Missouri with 4-lane highway access less than 25 miles from the Kansas City to Chicago Interstate Truck Routes.  For more information contact us at 573-767-9070 or 314-606-4212 or send an email to
Warm Spring Regards,
John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Laura, Courtney and Deric on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats.

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
Direct Line: (573) 767-9040
Fax: (573) 767-5475

Weekly Specials
All sale item discounts expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday April 2, 2016. 
Mid-Week Restocks
Athlete's Corner - Scott Mendelson Q&A

Scott~  I store a majority of my body fat within my lower body.  I am desperate to firm up my
legs, especially my buttocks.  My husband does well with his upper body training, but he has
difficulty with some body fat on his legs and also his belly.  What leg exercises can we do at home?  I know the right nutrition plan will be part of the solution so what do you suggest to burn body fat?  Terri 
Terri~ Earning firm and functionally strong legs comes from a combination of reducing body fat levels and stimulating muscle fibers.  Thanks for sending the additional information and your pictures so that I could formulate a detailed response.
Customer Feedback
Pre-Cooked Beef Pot Roast & Gravy

"Perfect dinner saver!"

"This was my very first item I've ever tried from USWM. It was AWESOME! I made it on a Sunday in the crock pot and it was so great to have a home cooked meal without all the fuss! I will definetly buy again!"  
Bonnie P.
Bernville, PA    
US Wellness Store - Quick Links
Recipe Corner
Courtesy of: Wellness Mama

"Breakfast sausage is a favorite food of the men (including the little ones) in our home. I love it too, but don't love that many store-bought breakfast sausages have nitrates or nitrites and other preservatives and flavors added.

When a local farmer started selling pastured pork, I decided to figure out a recipe for homemade breakfast sausage. This recipe can actually be made with beef for those who don't like pork, though the taste will be a little different. I pre-make this in two-pound (or larger) batches and refrigerate or freeze for quick breakfasts."

Farm Photos  

Content Cattle munching on South Alabama pastures.

Loxley heifers enjoying Spring grazing in Southern Alabama.
Purchasing Information
Order Minimums
  • All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
  • $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
  • You will never be charged extra for shipping.
  • There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
  • The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum.  The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.   
Weight Discount
  • Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles.
  • This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!
  • This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category.  Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off!

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